La Divina Providencia Foundation
The La Divina Providencia Foundation is a private, non-profit social action entity whose main purpose is to provide lodging, food and assistance to low-income children under 18 who do not reside in the city of Cali, children who have cancer, non-infectious diseases that have been transplanted from bone marrow or other organs, that must remain in the city while receiving their medical treatment or post-transplant care.

Caminos Foundation
Fundacion Caminos is a non-profit entity that encourages social promotion and healthy lifestyles in children and adolescents whose rights have been violated, through the offerings of educational, sports, recreational, cultural and environmental projects.

Women's Soccer Foundation 3F
The project of the FUNDACIÓN FÚTBOL FEMENINO 3F is to provide the girl soccer player, on behalf of private companies and the municipal and national government, with the resources these girls to get ahead with all their sports and educational capacities, and thus we may be able to prevent that in the future they become involved in various social problems and dangerous activities such as drug use, accomplices of criminal gangs, prostitution, unwanted pregnancies, vandalism, among others.